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Amazon Global Selling Website Redesign


In the start of 2016, my team was given an opportunity to rebuild the website of Amazon global selling, many years later, the program has grown exponentially in China and became the leading player in cross-border export business in China which covers exporting and delivery  to 14 countries for Chinese sellers. But at the time, it was young which launched just 2 years and its primary goal was recruiting new sellers. 


However, the content that Chinese new sellers interested was not easy to spot from the website, where the site follows content and frame from global which are more tailored for mature market. When we took this project, we were asked to start UI on a planned wireframe, but we insisted to spend some time to communicate with sellers first. The expectation we observed from new sellers  focus on 3 topics, 1)  how Amazon service distinguish from the others 2) what are the best practices to start business or become a top sellers 3) how is the average cost calculated for running a business. 


Here came up problems, the old website home page was more like an newsroom where sellers can scan events/policy updates quickly, only a column with 3 short paragraphs mentioned Amazon advantages and more seriously, no successful seller cases could be found on the website. If the new redesign would merely reorganize existing content with a look, that could not solve the problem.We brought these observations to global selling team, a longer term site evolving plan was aligned between design, marketing and product development. Design and product team would plan the site structure ahead while marketing team was developing customized content, and design would add content and refresh the home page accordingly while new content has been ready. 


Following are collections of design mockups during the period, our approach is to simplify content by using info graphic to let customers get key message at a glance. As creative director, my roles including oversee design directions, communication with business and project management.


Screenshot before redesign


Samples of mockup how we design home page in different period


Creative Director - Mao Yu
UX/UI Designers - Eartha Tsai, Tang Mingkai

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